Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Business Cards (extra credit)

     I did this business cards as extra credit, and i not only did them for the extra credits but also because they are an essential tool in the business world. I had so many different ideas for this project, first i wanted to make them transparent, then i wanted a mix of matte black with glossy black, but it is very hard to find a place to print them like that. Therefore, for now i made the simple, but i am absolutely planning in making them better. 


     This assignment was basically a mix of y things i learned throughout the semester as i had to use Illustrator and InDesign. At first, InDesign pissed me off, everything was different, it was like learning a new language, but then with a lot of practice i think that i know how to handle it. InDesign is very essential for my major which is Advertising & Public Relations and now that i have learned how to use it, i am pretty sure that i will use it a lot for further projects.

Beer Label

     When i started sketching this project i was so exited about it and had a million different ideas, i ended up mixing all my ideas and this is what came up. I have to say Art Nouveau is not my favorite things,  do not like it too much, i prefer doing something minimalistic and modern, but i have to admit that i really like what i did. 

I enjoyed a lot doing this project, it was very cool the idea of making a beer label. Using illustrator is always fun.


     I remember that i said that the photo restoration was the hardest project, and that it took me a lot of time to do it, now i say that this was the hardest project and surely this was the project that took me more time, approximately 3-4 minutes per frame and a did 100 frames, it was crazy. But at the end when i finished the project i could feel more happy, i felt in love with the final piece. I never thought that i could something like that, but it di it. For sure that is not my thing i prefer doing work like logos, designs with illustrator, but this project made me proud.


     Cool project.  This was my second project ever on photoshop and it was not hard. At first it was very cool the idea of doing a multiplicity image, and really enjoyed the process of doing it. The project was easy, i just had to be careful with details, lighting, colors, among others. Although the professor told that we should not do our projects with interior lighting, i tried doing it because i had good light and also a kitchen seemed to be the best place to do this project.

Photo Restoration

     I have to say that this project took me tons of time and patience, but also i have to admit that learning how to restore a photo is very useful and a nice experience for life. This  could be one of the hardest projects in this class, you have to pay attention to every detail and also you have to be creative at the moment of selecting which tool to use and how to use it.
     Additionally, restoring one picture of my grandfather with his brothers was very cool, and also it could be a gift for him.

Propaganda Poster

     This was a really cool assignment. For the first time in college I had the opportunity to show how much i dislike the Venezuelan government . When i was doing this project i felt like a nazi making a poster against americans. I like my finish piece but one thing i did not liked was that i could not give it an old look, i tried in many ways but never looked good. 

     Overall, with this assignment we learned a little bit more about very interesting history, but also we learned a couple new tools in illustrator that i am sure that are going to be really useful in the future.


     This was a very fun assignment. With this assignment a got a lot of experience with illustrator and also after this project using illustrator became really useful. I felt really identified with this assigment because it was related to my major and it is what i like to do.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


     My second project at begging digital arts. Calligram, I loved the idea of making a calligram since the begging of the class, this was a very fun and interesting experience. We used Adobe Illustrator to make this calligram, at the beginning, i did not know how to use illustrator like any other design program, but while it took me a while to have an approximate idea of how to use DreamWeaver, i learned how to use Adobe Illustrator right away. Today i love this program, it is extremely useful.
     When i started making sketches for the calligram, i had so many things in my mind, i could not figure out what to draw. I wanted to make a car, a sea horse, a gun, a shark, among others. Then after too much thinking i decided to make a white shark just because i like white sharks. And today i am very happy with my design, but i am going to change the interior of my calligram because i used letters to big and it does not have shape in the interior.


     This is my very first project at beginning digital arts. At the moment i opened DreamWeaver for first time i thought that there could not be anything hardest in the world than it, but then the professor started explaining everything step for step and it started to look a little bit easier, but hard at the same time. Then after with a lot of practice, i started to become familiar with DreamWeaver and it became just a little bit more easy.
      For me was very interesting to learn how to use DreamWeaver, and hope that with practice one day will learn how to use this program at its best.

Monday, September 1, 2014

First Post

My first beginning digital arts class was confusing but also fun. At the beginning i was extremely confused and scarred because i have never used Adobe Dreamweaver, photoshop or any other computer program like those. My first thoughts of the class were absolutely not good. But then when the professor started showing us how to use Adobe Dreamweaver, the class became so much fun than before and my thoughts had completely changed. The professor explained every step with calm, patience and very clear. At this time i'm so happy with the class and want to learn more and more.

At this time I am working on the HTML Canvas assignment, and it is being fun, and also very interesting. Before working on this assignment did not know that people designed using codes and i absolutely thought that that kind of design was impossible. I am trying to do my best, and trying to figure out how to do things i do not know how to do.

Although this is the end of the post, i am going to introduce myself. I am Andres Haddad, from Venezuela and my major is advertising and public relations. I like playing soccer, snowboard and going to the beach.