Monday, September 1, 2014

First Post

My first beginning digital arts class was confusing but also fun. At the beginning i was extremely confused and scarred because i have never used Adobe Dreamweaver, photoshop or any other computer program like those. My first thoughts of the class were absolutely not good. But then when the professor started showing us how to use Adobe Dreamweaver, the class became so much fun than before and my thoughts had completely changed. The professor explained every step with calm, patience and very clear. At this time i'm so happy with the class and want to learn more and more.

At this time I am working on the HTML Canvas assignment, and it is being fun, and also very interesting. Before working on this assignment did not know that people designed using codes and i absolutely thought that that kind of design was impossible. I am trying to do my best, and trying to figure out how to do things i do not know how to do.

Although this is the end of the post, i am going to introduce myself. I am Andres Haddad, from Venezuela and my major is advertising and public relations. I like playing soccer, snowboard and going to the beach.

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